What will happen during my breathwork meditation session?

Before our session, feel free to gather for a few minutes at the picnic tables in front of the yurt. When the yurt is opened, you will be invited to make your meditation space just the way you like it with soft furry rugs and plush blankets and pillows on hand. You will be provided with headphones and a soft, clean eye cover. As you sit in a circle with others inside the yurt, we’ll make introductions and share intentions for our practice to create a safe space. I will guide you before we begin with a light background of breathwork and the deeper faster breathing practice we will perform while being bathed in the sound of carefully chosen music. When the music calms, allow your thoughts to float away giving your mind a break from our often-hectic pace. After the session, you’re welcome to share your experience, if you choose. Feel free to further integrate your breathwork practice by journaling inside the yurt or outside at the picnic tables under the pines, or lying in one of several hammocks behind the yurt.

Are there any Medical Contraindications that would prevent me from participating in the active breathwork sessions?

Due to the active breathing during part of our breathwork sessions that is strenuous, people with the following conditions are not advised to participate: Aneurysms, Asthma (unless you have your inhaler), Detached Retina, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, High Blood Pressure not controlled with medication, History of Strokes or Seizures, and Pregnancy.

Additionally, breathwork is a tool used to release emotions. Those with the following psychiatric conditions should first ask their doctor if breathwork is safe for them: Bipolar (breathwork could trigger a manic episode), Schizophrenia, those who have had an emotional crisis within the last 10 years who might not be adequately grounded (e.g., attempted suicide or had a nervous breakdown), and PTSD. Breathwork has been profoundly healing to some participants with PTSD, however please first check with your doctor and therapist for their guidance.

What to wear?

Feel Free to wear loose-fitting clothing such as yoga pants, sweatpants, cotton shorts, t-shirt, or anything you’ll feel comfortable in while sitting and lying on a soft rug. Please email us ahead of time if you need any special accommodation such as needing a chair instead of sitting on the floor.

Do I need to bring anything?

Bring a water bottle and a notebook / journal if you’d like to make notes on anything that rises up from your breathwork session. Breathwork is a tool to help release emotions as well as provide support to the nervous system by calming the body. Most, if not all, participants report feeling more calm after a breathwork session.

Is there a restroom on-site?

Yes, we have a cute camper on site with running water for the toilet and sink.